Adopting the Mediterranean style at home : the choice of furniture !

The Mediterranean style of the house is a very special choice, directly inspired by your southern regions, but not only, by all the areas overlooking the sea of the same name. This type of interior decoration is reminiscent of the sea, the sand and the summer. Discover all the secrets, fabrics, colors, furniture and furnishing accessories in the following guide.

The Mediterranean style : meaning and origins

The Mediterranean style to furnish your home combines different trends. It is easy to imagine that it obviously stems from the traditions and customs of all those lands overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the people who live there. The typical characteristics of the Iberian Peninsula are therefore mixed with those of Italy, a pleasant integration between the typical elements of southern Europe and also some features of Turkey and Balkan countries and also those of North Africa, such as Morocco. The impression you have when you enter a house furnished in the Mediterranean style is that of living in a warm and welcoming place, just like being on the beach by the sea. Everything that surrounds you, therefore the perfumes, textures, wefts, colors, fabrics remind us of the typical atmospheres of the Mediterranean lands. A characteristic that allows you to live more serenely in the coldest months of the year.

Furnishing in the Mediterranean style

Generally, those who choose to furnish their home in the Mediterranean style prefer warm atmospheres, those that remind us of the places that overlook this sea. Who likes the trendy mix of Southern Europe and Italy with some Turkish, Moroccan and Tunisian features or the Greek and Balkan peninsula. Furnishing in the Mediterranean style means loving the summer, the heat, the sand, the waves, the beach, the sun. It also means that you take something with you on your travels and proudly display it as furniture in your home, memories become precious accessories in the home.

Mediterranean-style home : the essentials

As in any type of furniture, there are elements that cannot be absolutely absent in Mediterranean style houses. Here you begin to refer to the typical materials, which are stone, wood and white lime, which also define the colors of these environments. Sloping roofs covered with terracotta tiles, or porches, stucco walls or load-bearing columns and arched windows are used a lot. As far as the real Mediterranean furniture is concerned, it must be said that the characteristic that distinguishes it is the light, the dominant element. For this reason the colors of the furniture are always warm and are inspired by nature and the sea, following the different shades from deep blue to light blue and vice versa. As for the walls, it is often used to paint them in turquoise yellow or ochre, instead of the usual white color. Plaster and floors are often left in their raw state, with all the imperfections that characterize them. Wooden floors and ceramics are very common, as are hand-decorated tiles or terracotta tiles. Wonderful are the exposed wooden beams that are often chosen for the ceiling. The materials used for Mediterranean style furniture are generally pure and simple, such as wrought iron and the wooden or wicker objects already mentioned. Essential and rough lines, hand-made decorations and wood inlays are typical of this type of interior decoration. In the same environment, it happens to find elements closer to the Greek or Italian tradition perfectly mixed with accessories or furniture that speak of Africa. The fabrics used are linen and cotton, light and fresh, with white or natural textures and very colorful. Among the typical handicraft products you can find mainly terracotta pots or ceramic amphoras, in which plants and flowers are placed inside and on the terraces. Typical lavender and also basil and rosemary, used in the kitchen. One of the key elements of the Mediterranean style is to furnish without weighing down, everything must be able to find space without overloading the rooms. Everything is minimal and everything has the typical colors of the sea such as blue in different shades and nuances, yellow ochre and white. Be careful and say a few words to each room in the house. The bathroom must be very bright and simple, the most used colors are clear, the materials are natural and untreated and also raw. The tiles have geometric patterns that evoke marine and beach environments. Famous are the widely used Vietnamese ceramics and in general all those painted by hand. In the kitchen, you will also see a predominance of light colors, which make the room brighter and wider. The Mediterranean style furniture combines classic and antique elements and makes the different rooms of the house comfortable. If there are large windows, light curtains should be used to let the sunlight in. As far as the bedroom is concerned, the four-poster bed is one of the elements that is almost never missing, large size, it is considered the ideal solution if the space allows it.

Renovation in the Mediterranean style : who to turn to ?

When you decide to renovate your home, the first thing to keep in mind is that nothing is random and that everything must be studied in detail, without any improvisation. The first thing to do if you want to furnish your house in the Mediterranean style is to look for a real professional in the field, such as an interior designer, who is able to recommend the best solutions for this type of decoration, depending on the environment you will have to furnish. Of course, he will make an inspection of your home and will suggest the elements that you will absolutely not miss.

Mediterranean-style furnishing and renovation : how to save money ?

Price is another of the fundamental variables to evaluate when you decide to renovate your home in the Mediterranean style. The best choice is to find out about the best professionals in the area by researching them and asking them for a quote. Only by comparing some of them will you be able to make your evaluations and then go on to choose the best solution that corresponds to your tastes and needs and is characterized by an excellent ratio between quality and price.
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