What you need to know about plants in the bedroom

Green plants have a particularly positive effect on the quality of sleep.

Why should you put plants in your bedroom ?

Yes, plants absorb oxygen at night, but the quantity is so harmless that it does not negatively affect sleep. They are ideal air purifiers and can easily improve the air in the room. This is certainly conducive to a restful rest. Some of them, such as the green lily or the dragon tree, are particularly effective in filtering air pollutants. The humidity in the bedroom also plays a major role in sleep. The sword fern or tree lover, for example, have a particularly large leaf area through which they can release moisture. Thus, they provide sufficient moisture in the room. Air that is too dry is particularly harmful to allergy sufferers. For allergies, for example to house dust mites, the fern is therefore particularly suitable where you sleep.

Plants to adopt in the room

- Plants with thick leaves such as the silver tree are perfect for the bedroom. They belong to the CAM (Crassulaceae acid metabolism) group. Desert plants close their stomata during the day to avoid losing water. The oxygen produced during photosynthesis cannot escape. At night, the stomata then open to absorb the CO2 which you in turn exhale during the night. At the same time, the oxygen stored by the daily process of photosynthesis can be released. - Bow hemp not only looks modern, it is the perfect air filter and frees the bedroom from pollutants. This way the air will always be healthy. And that's not all, bowed hemp should also help you to fight your headaches. The smooth surface of the leaves often catches dust, so you should wipe them regularly. - Aloe vera is often used for its refreshing effect, as a food supplement or skin care product. This famous medicinal plant also helps you to fall asleep, as it is an optimal air purifier. - The orchid is one of the most popular houseplants. They improve the room climate because they filter pollutants and increase the humidity in your room. The mountain palm can optimally filter pollutants from the air. Due to the very large overall leaf area, it can also optimally regulate the air in the room.

Healthy indoor climate : 5 tips for plant care

For your plants to really have a positive effect on your sleep, it is important that you take good care of them and ensure a good climate in your room. - Water them properly: before watering the plant, first study its characteristics. How much water does it need and how often should you water it? - Aerate properly: Your indoor plants produce oxygen, but they need fresh air to function properly. That's why you need to aerate regularly. - Dust and spray with water: Plants can quickly become covered with dust, especially those with large leaves that are sensitive to it. Dusting is especially important in winter. Pollutants can only be optimally filtered out when the leaves are free of the dust layer. Allergy sufferers should regularly wipe them with a damp cloth. In winter, dry air from the heating system can be a real killer, as their leaves dry out more quickly. They should therefore be watered more often. - The right growing medium: Each plant needs different growing media. If you use the wrong nutrient medium, waterlogging can quickly occur. If the soil is too moist, it then provides the mould spores with an ideal base for propagation. You can use hydroculture instead of potted plants. Hydrocultures are actually ideal for the bedroom, as they do not need soil. This also prevents the formation of mould. The nutrient medium consists mainly of expanded clay, which hardly releases any allergenic substances such as fungal spores into the air. Hydroculture is ideally suited for allergy sufferers. - Important nutrients in the soil are often quickly depleted. However, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen are indispensable for good growth. You can find the right fertilizer in specialized stores. It is best to orientate yourself according to the dosing quantities indicated on the packaging.

When are houseplants harmful to sleep ?

They are generally not harmful, but the main problem is in or rather on the soil. A white deposit on the surface of the soil may indicate a possible infestation of mould, mites or fungal spores. Often, however, it is only harmless limescale, which is deposited on the surface when watering with very hard water. Mould spores like humidity. If the moist soil is also very rich in nutrients, mould can spread quickly. Particularly inexpensive soil is a good breeding ground for harmful fungi. It usually contains a high proportion of compost, a paradise for all moulds. Organic matter and too much moisture thus encourage the growth of fungal spores, which can then spread into the indoor air. Allergy sufferers, in particular, can suffer at night if mould spores are in the air. People with allergies should pay particular attention to everything that circulates in the room where you sleep. Some plants can cause allergic reactions. Those that are particularly fragrant quickly cause headaches and affect the quality of sleep.

Plants to avoid in the bedroom

- Hyacinths are considered fragrant beauties, they come in many different colors and they decorate your windowsill in the spring. But you should not put the lilies in the room. Strong smelling flowers can cause headaches. - Birch figs are certainly a popular plant, but they should not be placed near the bed because of the high risk of exposure. Dust in the bedroom and carpets can promote allergies caused by birch figs. Therefore, you should regularly vacuum or wipe the floor and avoid carpeting. - Jasmine remains a mystery. The debate remains open as to whether or not jasmine should be placed on the windowsill in the bedroom. Everyone still has to decide for themselves. The intense scent of jasmine flowers would have a calming effect on the one hand and promote your sleep on the other hand, the extreme smell can cause serious headaches.
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